Suplementos dietarios

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Aloe vera Aloe vera is a mucilaginous gel within the leaf of the spiny Aloe barbadensis Mill. plant. Aloe gel includes minerals, vitamins, monosaccharides, polysaccharides (acemannan), and enzymes. Aloe gel has been used to treat inflammation for more than 2500 years. The fresh gel is traditionally used for minor burns and sunburns, and for minor cuts and scrapes. Aloe vera juice used as a beverage is said to aid digestion and to reduce the effects of arthritis, stomach ulcers, diabetes and a variety of other conditions.
Boswellia Boswellia serrata Roxb. ex Colebr. is a natural Indian remedy whose oleoresin is used as an antiarthritic and anti-inflam-matory. The major phytoconstituent is a volatile oil, a range of triterpenic acids named Boswellic acids which are thought to inhibit leukotrienes synthesis thus exerting pain-relieving properties that are useful in treating arthritis and joint pain.
Bromelain Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple fruit and stem, possessing strong anti-inflammatory capacity. If administered orally it aids protein digestion and, well resisting gastric pH, it is absorbed in the guts, it acts systemically reducing edemas, pain and inflammation through its considerable fibrinolytic activity and through reduction of bradykinin, prostaglandins and migration of leucocytes to inflamed areas with no side effects.
Devil’s Claw The main bioactive compound that can be found in Devil’s claw (Harpagophytum procumbens DC) extract is harpagoside, an iridoid glycoside which possesses a well known antiinflammatory, analgesic and antirheumatic effect. Health indication for this herbal remedy is treatment of muscular, rheumatic and joint pain. Bitter compounds contained in this African plant may also stimulate production of bile and gastric juices thus resulting also helpful as a digestive aid.
EXCLZYME® Exclzyme® is nutritional ingredient which consists of a blend of enzymes (not derived from animals, thus sui-table for vegetarians) and rutin produced by SEB (Specialty Enzymes and Biotechnologies™)and indicated for controlling inflammatory processes and supporting healthy joints; main components of Exclzyme® are Bromelain, Papain and enteric coated Serrapeptase, enzymes acting systemically and known for anti-inflammatory potential by reducing edemas and inflammatory signaling in joints and tissues.
Klamath Weed Aphanizomenon flos-aquae are cyanobacteria harvested mainly from the highly mineralized Upper Klamath Lake in Oregon. Besides being a convenient wild wholefood, containing highly bioavailable vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, phycocyanins and PUFA also present in this ingredient exert anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immune-stimulating effects.
PEA / Palmitoiletanolamide Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) is a compound (amide of a fatty acid) originally found as naturally present in eggs and other foods. Several trials in humans proved that PEA is responsible for a potent antiinflammatory and analgesic activity, especially beneficial in cases of neuropathic pain hard to solve with conventional therapies. Mechanism of action of PEA (which is completely safe and with no side effects and is used as a Food for Special Medical Purposes) involves the pathway of nuclear receptor PPAR-α leading to a reduced degranulation and migration of mast cells (cells responsible for a heavy inflammatory response) and was elucidated by Nobel Lau-reate Rita Levi Montalcini’s research group.
Peptizyme SP An enterically coated proteolytic enzyme (serrapeptase) isolated from the non pathogenic bacteria Serratia sp. T-1. Clinical studies have demonstrated that Peptizyme SP® induces fibrinolytic, anti inflammatory and antiedemic activity in a of tissues. Furthermore, it plays a role in the reduction of pain, due to its ability to block the release of pain-inducing amines from inflamed tissues.
Sebkinase® A proprietary blend of enterically coated nattokinase and serrapeptase and an unique mineral blend to provide a powerful help in anti inflammatory and fibrinolytic treatments.
Turmeric It is a volatile oil extracted from rhizomes of Curcuma longa L. Turmeric oil containing sesquiterpenoids turmerones experimentally exhibited a potent antioxidant activity. The antiinflammatory effect of 0.04 mL/kg of volatile oil, also due to turmerones, was comparable to that observed with 5 mg/kg of hydrocortisone.
Ursolia® Ursolia® is a special dry extract of the aerial part of Salvia officinalis L. with a standardized content of ursolic acid (≥ 15%). Ursolic acid is responsible for the antiinflammatory and decongestant properties of sage and it also exerts a potent antioxidant and radical scavenger in vitro activity which surpasses the one of pine bark and grape seeds extracts. Ursolic acid exhibits a reduction of inflammatory TNF and prostaglandin E2 in LPS-stimula-ted macrophages, and also showed a topical antiinflammatory effect double than the one of indomethacin. In conjunction with cranberries PACs, 100 mg/day of Ursolia® indicated a beneficial effect in the mitigation of inflammations caused by urinary tracts infections and in their recurrence.
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Acerola Acerola (Malpighia glabra L.) is the richest vegetable source (in its fruit) of vitamin C, one of the most important antioxidant molecules for the organism. Consequently it exerts a supportive and restorative action for immune system and for the whole body.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid Alpha-lipoic acid (thioctic acid) is a sulphur containing key molecule in several biochemical processes. It is reputed as an antioxidant molecule helping the regeneration of other antioxidants such as Glutathione and Vitamin C (and indirectly Vitamin E); moreover it works as a mitochondrial cofactor of oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate and other α-ketoacids.
Astaxanthin Astaxanthin is a carotenoid produced as a shield from light radiations in several microalgae, like Haematococcus pluvialis, and stored for the same scope in small crustaceans like Antarctic krill, or as a pigment in salmons and flamingos. It is not converted by humans into Vitamin A and it bears a powerful antioxidant and radical scavenger potential thanks to its structure which also places it preferentially across phospholipids bilayers; astaxanthin, for this antioxidant role, is a supplement which showed benefits in cardiovascular, inflammatory and immune areas. Astaxanthin raw material is available in form of an oil and of microencapsulated powder.
Bilberry, Blackcurrant, Elderberry Berry fruits are renowned for their beneficial properties to human health, mainly thanks to their high content in anthocyanins; these polyphenols positively impact on a broad range of biomedical functions like cardiovascular disorders (including microcirculation at peripheral levels, i.e. in the eyes), age induced oxidative stress, inflammatory responses and degenerative diseases.
Citrus Bioflavonoids Bioflavonoids are low molecular weight potent antioxidant compounds present at high concentrations in different parts of several citrus fruits such as orange, grapefruit, lemon, bergamot. They are responsible for a protective role on LDL against peroxidation, for several benefits in cardiovascular and metabolic areas (diabetes, hypertension, obesity, metabolic syndrome) in addition to possessing anti-inflammatory, anti thrombotic, antiviral and anti cancer activities. Biofla-vonoids also possess a synergistic activity with Vitamin C. Most well known bioflavonoids from citrus fruits are Naringenin and its glycoside Naringin, with a beneficial effect on cholesterol/atherogenesis, Apigenin (antiinflammatory and inhibitor of platelets aggregation), Diosmin, Hesperetin and its glycoside Hesperidin exerting a beneficial effect specifically on microcirculation and venous tone.
Coenzyme Q10 CoQ10 is a key nutrient for the organism, participating in important biochemical cellular processes such as inactivation of ROS and production of cellular energy (ATP) in the mitochondria. Supplementation of CoQ10 has been found beneficial in several areas of human health. Kaneka is the leading producer of top-quality CoQ10 made from yeasts fermentation (in Japan and USA) since 1977. Moreover Kaneka have deposited DMF for CoQ10 in Italy and other countries for pharmaceutical use.
Grape Skin / Seed Extracts Both extracts from skin and seeds of grapes are extremely rich in antioxidant compounds such as proanthocyanidins and different other polyphenols such as anthocyanins, flavanols, flavonols and resveratrol, all of which exert a beneficial effect in different districts of the organism: main advantages are referred to cardiovascular area for the maintenance of vascular health (tone, circulation, capillary health, protection from atherosclerosis) by reducing local inflammation (through interaction with NO and prostaglandins pathways) and platelet aggregation but also in skin, eyes and cognitive health areas.
Green Tea Green tea extract is obtained from leaves of evergreen plant Camellia sinensis, infusion of which is one of the most ancient beverages in the world. It has always been used as a traditional remedy in Chinese medicine and science today supports its health benefits such as antioxidant, antiproliferative, antimicrobial and antiviral properties, beside promoting lipolysis (thermogenic effect) and regulating fat accumulation. Beneficial role of green tea is mainly due to its high content in flavonoids, in particular catechines.
Lutein - Zeaxanthin Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids (xanthophylls), very common in many species of plant realm and gre-atly abundant in green leafy vegetables, stored in plant tissues with the function of light quenchers. Moreover lutein and zeaxanthin are accumulated in humans’ eyes (particularly in the macula lutea in the retina) and work as a protection shield against blue light radiations, especially dangerous for this tissue. Supplementation of these carotenoids has been proven beneficial for improving acuity of the vision and preventing age-related macular degeneration. For both the carotenoids many different formulations at various concentrations are available: oils (i.e. safflower, sunflower), powders and microcapsules; microencapsulation process can be performed with several different types of gelatins and insures better technical properties (i.e. flowability) and that carotenoids are safely protected from oxidation, temperature and moisture, thus increasing shelf life and quality of the product.
Pine Bark Maritime pine bark is a powerful antioxidant that is particularly rich in compounds known as proanthocyanidins. These constituents are potent free radical scavengers and modulate inflammatory cascades. They are used to protect vascular endothelial function and to exert a role in treatment of inflammation such as in skin, cartilage, cognitive and menstrual disorders
Pomegranate Pomegranate is a fruit known for its remarkable antioxidant capacity proven by traditional use; health benefits are related to high content of a wide variety of polyphenols, among which ellagitannins are potent antioxidant, antiviral and an-timicrobial compounds, once digested in the intestine into ellagic acid.
Reduced Glutathione Reduced glutathione is an ubiquitous antioxidant involved in many cellular functions such as detoxification, aminoacid transport, production of coenzymes and recycling of vitamins A and C. By serving as a critical nucleophilic scavenger, glutathione blocks free radical damage to all types of tissues
Ubiquinol Kaneka Ubiquinol™ is the “new generation” of Co-enzyme Q10. Exclusively produced by Kaneka through a patented process, Ubiquinol is the chemically reduced form of traditional Q10; this status confers to Ubiquinol important properties such as a better bioavailability and an antioxidant potential already available for the organism. Ubiquinol was demonstrated to be highly beneficial for the organism, in several clinical studies, in sport/energy, cardiovascular and male fertility areas.
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Artichoke Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) is a common plant in southern Europe. Extracts from its leaves contain phenolic acids and cynarin, which is the most characteristic bioactive compound in this plant. Health benefits include depurative and digestive function, due to choleretic activity (stimulation of bile secretion). Artichoke also shows a lipid lowering effect in humans.
Bromelain Bromelain is a cysteine proteolytic enzyme obtained from pulp and stem of pinapple fruit. Beside its well-known systemic anti inflammatory activity, it also exerts an action as a digestive aid, hydrolyzing food proteins to peptides and aminoacids.
Dairyseb® Nearly 10% of the population is lactose intolerant. Dairyseb® is a multi enzyme proprietary blend designed for the digestion of dairy products. Dairy products are usually consumed with other foods, which further complicates digestion. Therefore, not only are lactose and lipid digestion a concern, but also the combination with grain and legumes may cause gas and bloating. For this reason Dairyseb® is formulated to be effective also in the digestion of complex sugars, starches and non-starch polysaccharides. The unique blend of Dairyseb® is from non-animal source and suitable for vegetarians. The product is water soluble.
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale Web. is a common plant originating from European continent. Extracts from the plant, rich in flavonoids, are deemed to exert digestive, choleretic, laxative and appetite-reducing properties, besides acting as a mild diuretic.
Enzyme Blends Tailor-made enzyme blends can be made, based on individual needs of each customer, for the digestion of the desired molecules (lipids, proteins, starch, complex su-gars, lactose, cellulose etc.). Specific strength (i.e. enzymatic units) of each enzyme may also be decided.
Gastro-AD Gastro-AD™ is an ingredient obtained through fermentation of soy flour by probiotic strain L. delbrueckiissp. lactis and effective in moderating occasional heartburn symptoms as proven by several clinical studies in humans. Gastro-AD™ brings quick relief to heartburn, nausea, bloating and to most gastric and duodenal ulcer symptoms. Hypothesized mechanisms of action include a buffering effect on gastric pH, restoration of immune modulation, an anti-inflammatory effect on irritated mucosae (of stomach and esophagus) and inhibition of proteolytic activity of gastric enzymes by peptides originated in the fermentation process.
Ginger Rhizome of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) is traditionally and commonly used as a natural remedy for indigestion/stomach upset, nausea and travel sickness (antiemetic).
Hemiseb® A special enzyme complex designed for helping digestion of legumes, by breaking the alpha 1-6 glycosidic bonds found in legumes’ sugars (oligosaccharides). These sugars pass undigested through the small intestine and enter the large intestine where they undergo fermentation by microbial flora, thus generating gas, bloating, pain and general discomfort. Hemiseb® hydrolyzes hemicelluloses and pectins and, thanks to the supply of phytase, makes phosphorus available to the body. Thus Hemiseb® improves digestibility, reduces bloating and helps unlock trapped metabolic energy and nutritive factors, making them bioavailable.
Lactase Lactase (also known as β-galactosidase) is an enzyme deputed to digestion of lactose, the typical sugar of milk and of other dairy products, into the two constituting units: glucose + galactose. Supplementation of lactase is helpful for those people who have an impaired (or lost) endogenous lactase activity; this condition (hypolactasia) is quite common in adulthood, leading to lactose intolerance.
Milk Thistle Milk thistle (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn) is an indigenous plant of Mediterranean area; it contains high amounts of silymarin, a flavolignan complex (constituted by silybin, silicristin, silydianin) which has been extensively studied and characterized for its effects on human health. Silymarin possesses a strong hepatoprotective and antioxidant action; protection of the liver may be exerted through stimulation of cellular regeneration (induction of RNA polymerase A) and through an interaction with hepatocytes membranes, blocking toxins uptake. Silymarin has been able to counteract hepatic damage caused by fungal and alcohol poisoning.
Papain Papain is a cysteine proteasic enzyme present in papaya (Carica papaya) and in certain other plants. Papain has a mild, soothing effect on the stomach and aids in protein digestion.
α-Galactosidase α-galactosidases are enzymes capable of hydrolyzing those sugars (i.e. from legumes) which are bound to proteins and lipids or complex sugars. Supplementation is useful to help digestion and to avoid bloating and related inconveniences when endogenous enzymes are low or missing: in this cases undigested sugars are metabolized by resident microflora turning into gases which accumulate in the lower tract of the intestine.
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Algal DHA DHA is simply an essential omega-3 for visual health, being a key constituent of eye’s and nerve tissues. Several EU health claims acknowledge this important function stating that DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal vision in adults and that, in infants, it contributes to normal visual development up to 12 months of age for direct supplementation. Moreover it is recognized that maternal intake contributes to the normal development of the eye of fetus and breastfed infant. Algal source ensures a high concentration of DHA with no contaminants and no fish aftertaste. Algal DHA is available in form of an oil at 35% or 40% and in powdered version.
Astaxanthin Astaxanthin possesses one of the highest antioxidant potentials among carotenoids and other compounds. Studies show that astaxanthin may be useful for eye health by coun-teracting retinal damage induced by light radiations and improving capillaries circulation, i.e. at retinal level. Astaxanthin raw material is available in form of an oil and of microencapsulated powder.
Bilberry, Blackcurrant, Elderberry Berry fruits are renowned for their beneficial properties to human health, mainly thanks to their high content in anthocyanins, which possess a potent radical-scavenging activity; these polyphenols positively impact on a broad range of biomedical functions like cardiovascular disorders, age induced oxidative stress, inflammatory responses and degenerative diseases. Berries’ and anthocyanins’ positive effects on eye health are very well recognized and linked to the benefits exerted on peripheral microcirculation and on the capillaries.
Chamomile Chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) is a herb both growing spontaneously and cultivated in temperate areas. Its extracts contain several different flavonoids (i.e. apigenin), coumarins and volatile oils. Oil preparations possess anti-bacterial and antifungal effects while extracts and infusions of the herb are used to facilitate sleeping, as antispasmodic and as anti-inflammatory. It is also used in traditional therapy as an ocular decongestant.
Eyebright Euphrasia officinalis L. is a small plant spread in temperate European areas. It mainly contains iridoid glycosides and tannins and it is traditionally used in ophthalmic therapy since it has been observed that preparations from the plant help in effectively relieving eyes’ inflammations (i.e. conjunctivitis and blepharitis).
Krill Oil Krill oil’s very peculiar composition makes it an ideal supplement to support eyes’ health: highly bioavailable omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for an optimal visual function and astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant which may help pro-tecting eye tissues from light-induced radical damage. Moreover, further supplementation of lutein and zeaxanthin in combination with krill oil omega-3 increases bioavailability (and health benefits) of these two carotenoids which are very specific and precious for eye’s health.
Lutein - Zeaxanthin Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids (xanthophylls), very common in many species of plant realm and gre-atly abundant in green leafy vegetables, stored in plant tissues with the function of light quenchers. Moreover lutein and zeaxanthin are accumulated in animals’ eyes (particularly in the macula lutea in the retina) and work as a protection shield against blue light radiations, especially dangerous for this tissue; supplementation of these carotenoids has been specifically proven beneficial for improving acuity of the vision and for preventing age-re-lated macular degeneration. For both the carotenoids many different formulations at various concentrations are available: oils (i.e. safflower, sunflower), powders and microcapsules; microencapsulation process can be performed with several different types of gelatins and insures better technical properties (i.e. flowability) and that carotenoids are safely protected from oxidation, temperature and moisture, thus increasing shelf-life and quality of the product.
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Banaba Lagerstroemia speciosa L. Pers. is a plant which is originating from southern Asia. Extracts are usually obtained from leaves and are standardized in corosolic acid, a pentacyclic triterpenic compound which, together with ellagitannins, has shown an ability to significantly reduce blood glucose levels in human; this effect may be mediated by interaction with several signaling cascades of transduction factors (PPAR, MAP-k and NF-kB), stimulating glucose uptake at cellular level.
Cinnamon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia (L.) J.Presl) extract is a polyphenols rich, water soluble ingredient obtained from the bark of the plant. Experimental and clinical studies have revealed the beneficial effects of cinnamon in glucose management, showing significant reduction of both fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c. Consumption of cinnamon in patients with type II diabetes reduced serum glucose, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol. In particular, cinnamon is useful in insulin resistance, as these studies have shown increased glucose uptake in cell-based assays.
D-Chiro-Inositol D-chiro-inositol (DCI) is an isomer of inositol (myo-inositol), differing from it for the stereoisomery of few hydroxyl groups. Similarly to inositol, DCI has a recognized role in glucose management, since it is a precursor of signaling molecules involved in internalization of glucose in the cells upon stimulation with insulin; thus supplementation with DCI is known to promote a sensitization to insulin in subjects with insulin resistance and impaired glucose management. Several trials have demonstrated that DCI is beneficial in women affected by PCOS, a syndrome with strong links with insulin resistance that leads to defects in ovulation, hyperandrogenism and low fertility.
Fenugreek Several studies have demonstrated hypoglycemic properties of fenugreek (Trigonella foenumgraecum L.) seeds both in animals and humans. The seeds contain fiber, 4-hydroxyisoleucine and fenugreekine, a component that may possess hypoglycemic activity. The mechanism is thought to be based on a delay of gastric emptying, a slowing down of carbohydrate absorption and an inhibition of glucose transport. Fenugreek also increases the number of insulin receptors in red blood cells and improves glucose utilization in peripheral tissues.
Fibersol-2 TM Fibersol-2 is a dietary fiber produced by Japanese multinational Matsutani. Fibersol-2 is obtained from corn flour through pyrolysis followed by enzymatic digestion; the fiber obtained is a maltodextrin featuring 1-6 and 1-4 bonds and peculiar 1-2 and 1-3 bond which make it resistant to digestion, as recognized also by Italian Ministry of Health; furthermore it is highly soluble in water. In several clinical studies Fibersol-2 proved various beneficial effects including reduction of lipidemic and glycemic post prandial peak, normalization of intestinal function, prebiotic activity, and reduction of appetite.
Inositol Inositol (myo-inositol) is a cyclic polyol, contained in cereals, nuts and fruits; human organism is able to produce it endogenously. Inositol is in fact an intermediate of the synthesis of phosphoinositides and inositol phosphoglycans and it is considered as an insulin sensitizing agent, that is a molecule that enhances insulin effect on peripheral target cells, stimulating uptake of glucose. Thus supplementation with inositol is helpful to moderate symptoms of insulin resistance and of hyperglycemia, regulating body glucose management.
Nutripeptin ® Nutripeptin® is a mix of marine peptides obtained as the water soluble fraction after enzymatic hydrolysis of fresh frozen fillet of gadoid fish species (wild cod fish). Recent studies on proteins and peptides of marine fish species have demonstrated significant beneficial effects to health in cases of insulin resistance, obesity, diabetes II, such as reduced plasma lipids and cholesterol as well as prophylactic effects against cardiac diseases. Nutripeptin® gives significant GI (Glycemic Index)-lowering functionality to ordinary food and health ingredients.
Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris beans contain different inhibitors of amylases (enzymes deputed to digestion of starch into glucose units), putatively to protect seeds from predators. Amylase inhibitors, once activated by proteolytic cleavage by the host, exert their activity by blocking access to enzyme’s active site. Preparations from beans are of interest in nutraceutical sector for the potential role in glucose management: a slowing down of starch digestion may be useful to reduce the glycemic index of carbohydrates, thus moderating postprandial glycemic peak and consequent insulinemic peak, potentially reducing the risk of developing insulin resistance.
Sweet Potato Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) exerts a recognized effect in modulation of nutrients absorption and in regulation of the metabolism of carbohydrates, through an improvement of insulin sensitivity in the organism; this effect, supported by several studies, candidates this plant as an effective natural aid in insulin resistance and diabetes care.
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Algal DHA DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid known for its remarkable health benefits as confirmed in several publications and ratified by different approved EU health claims. One of the best natural sources of DHA are microalgae Schizochytrium spp. which, grown in controlled conditions, lead to a very pure and contaminants-free oil standardized at 35 or 40% DHA from vegetable origin, also available in a powder form for solid formulations. Algae-derived DHA was found in recent studies to increase the HDL/LDL ratio and decrease the total cholesterol/HDL ratio as well as lower triglycerides. DHA also increases the elasticity of the blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure which has a significant effect at reducing the occurrence of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks and strokes. Algal DHA is available in form of an oil at 35% or 40% and in powdered version.
Ubiquinol Kaneka Ubiquinol™ (reduced CoQ10) is the innovative form of CoQ10, featuring much higher biovailability for the organism and a ready antioxidant ability with no need for further conversions by the organism. Ubiquinol is especially useful in cardiovascular health: clinical studies showed benefits of Ubiquinol in reducing LDL cholesterol, in mitigating statin-dependent myopathies and indicated a stronger effect than traditional CoQ10 in increasing plasmatic Q10 levels and on clinical outcomes in subjects with heart failure.
Astaxanthin Due to its potent antioxidant function, astaxanthin is especially useful in cardiovascular area where oxidation and inflammatory events play a crucial role in development of adverse health status. Clinical trials showed that astaxanthin is safe and improve markers of oxidative stress and inflammation and blood rheology; astaxanthin also proved itself beneficial in animal models of myocardial ischemia. Astaxanthin raw material is available in form of an oil and of microencapsulated powder.
Beta-sitosterol Beta-sitosterol is a plant sterol similar in structure to cholesterol, found naturally in plants: fruits, vegetables, beans (especially soy), nuts, and seeds. Beta-sitosterol actually inhibits intestinal absorption of dietary cholesterol by competing with cholesterol during intestinal uptake, thus reducing plasmatic LDL. Plant sterols’ ability to benefit cardiovascular health have been awarded with an approved EU health claim for mainte-nance of healthy blood cholesterol levels.
Citrolive® Citrolive® is a new functional ingredient for food supplements; it is constituted of a combination of two extracts from citrus fruits and from olives thus combining potent bioflavonoids like apigenin, luteolin, naringin, naringenin, neohesperidin and antioxidant phytochemicals like hydroxytyrosol and oleuro-pein from olives. Thanks to the joint effects of its constituents Citrolive® is able to positively influence lipidemic profile, effectively reducing LDL-oxidation and triglycerides levels, thus preventing atherosclerosis and improving cardiovascular health.
Coenzyme Q10 Coenzyme Q10 is a key physiological molecule in several cellular processes, acting both as an electron transporter in mitochondrial electron transport chain and as a lipid-soluble antioxidant on cellular membranes. Heart is one of the organs with both the highest demand of energy and (consequently) with a particularly high susceptibility to oxidative damage due to ROS threat. CoQ10 deficiency is correlated with cardiac troubles and its supplementation is thus considered beneficial to support cardiac health.
Coleus forskohlii Coleus forskohlii (Willd.) Briq. has been used in traditional Indian medicine for 2000 years for various disorders. Recent studies have shown that this highly unique and potent Ayurvedic herb also stimulates lipolysis (the breakdown of stored fat) and prevents the accumulation of fat in adipocytes.
Eupoly®, ω-3 from fish oils EPA and DHA are two important members of the long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids family and essential components of several tissues of human body such as brain and retina; EFSA recognized that DHA contributes to maintenance of a normal function of these tissues and also that EPA and DHA significantly contribute in maintaining a normal cardiac function through antiarrhythmic and antithrombotic effects, by lowering blood pressure, heart rate and plasma levels of triglycerides. Our EPA/DHA-rich oils are deodorized and flavored for a greatly improved compliance. Possible formulations include oils and powders in bulk and ready-made capsules, at variable concentration of EPA and DHA, to cover a wide set of applications and uses, such as direct administration or addition to functional foods like breads, oils, milks and margarines.
Flaxseed Oil Flaxseed oil is an ingredient featuring naturally high content of vegetable omega-3 fatty acid α-linolenic acid. α-linolenic acid is a precursor in the synthesis of EPA and DHA and thus of anti inflammatory hormones and has been granted with several health claims in EU regarding development of eyes and nerve tissues in children and maintenance of physiological cholesterol levels in adults. HiOmega® 70 flaxseed oil is made in Canada from cold-pressed, non-GMO flax and con-tains more than 70% α-linolenic acid.
Garcinia cambogia Garcinia cambogia is a natural remedy for lipid metabolism control: its extract (from fruit), rich in hydroxycitric acid, is thought to help reducing fat accumulation and lipids/cholesterol biosynthesis from excess carbohydrates, promoting fat oxidation and gluconeogenesis, thus favoring general cardiovascular health.
Green Tea Green tea is characterized by a high content of catechins, (mainly epigallocatechingallate): catechins are thought to stimulate fat mobilization and oxidation both at rest and during exercise by potentially acting at Sympathetic Nervous System level, thus positively impacting on cardiovascular health.
Hawthorn Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata (Poir) DC) is a flavonoid-containing (especially vitexin) plant, the extracts of which is the classical botanical remedy indicated for heart health: observed effects are cardiotonic, hypotensive, and antiarrythmic actions, together with an improved coronary circulation. Flowering tops of the plant exert a calming effect and are used to induce sleeping.
Hydroxytyrosol - Oleuropein Hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein are the main phytochemical compounds which can be extracted from leaves and fruits of olive tree (Olea europaea L.). Their typically highest concentration in dry extract ranges between 15% and 18%. These compounds are strongly antioxidant molecules which exert a recognized role in the protection of LDL-cholesterol particles from peroxidation; peroxidated LDL trigger their own phagocytosis by macrophages which evolve into foam cells and initiate atherogenic processes. Hydroxytyrosol and its related compounds (like oleuropein) have been awarded with a health claim in EU on LDL protection from oxidative stress.
Krill Oil Krill (Euphausia superba) is a small crustacean inhabiting the cold Antarctic ocean; it is reputed as the largest world biomass, fished under strict control of CCAMLR since Krill represents the base of the food chain in these seas. Once processed in a specific way, an oil is obtained from krill, which is rich in EPA and DHA and esterified astaxanthin. EPA and DHA are naturally complexed in phospholipidic form, the same constituents of cellular membranes, thus increasing bioavailability of these omega-3 fatty acids. A synergistic antioxidant effect of omega-3 and astaxanthin was observed over their individual contributions when testing ORAC index (antioxidant potential) of Krill Oil. KO is especially beneficial in cardiovascular area, in which it showed capability to significantly ameliorate lipidemic profile (either LDL, TG and HDL) of hyperlipidemic subjects participating to a controlled clinical trial. It also proved itself effective in inflammatory states and in premenstrual syndrome.
PF1 ® PF1® is the insoluble polyphenolic fraction (tannins) obtained from carob beans. This ingredient is indicated, to reduce cholesterol (total and LDL), increase HDL cholesterol, lower blood fat levels and to support dietetic measures against hyperlipidemia. These condensed polyphenols, when ingested with meals, are able to bind and complex bile salts (cholate, taurocholate, chenodeoxycholate), directing them to evacuation, thus reducing their reabsorption (recycling) in the intestine. Bile salts are produced from endogenous cholesterol, hence the re-duction of its levels in the organism, documented by several clinical trials. Also dietary cholesterol can be bound and eliminated by the same mechanism. PF1® is formulated in a Medical Device (class IIb), already certified in EU and with approved specific claims.
Policosanols Policosanols are a group of long-chain, aliphatic alcohols found in natural wax of sugar cane but also in rice bran, broccoli, spinach, oats and alfalfa. In different trials policosanols showed ability to lower intrahepatic and serum cholesterol levels.
Red Fermented Rice Red yeast rice has been used in China for centuries both as a food and as a medicinal substance. It is produced through fermentation of red rice by the yeast Monascus purpureus. Red yeast rice finally contains Monacolin K (an analogue of statins) which acts effectively inhibiting the activity of a body enzyme called HMG-CoA reductase, thus truncating endogenous cholesterol biosynthesis pathway. Red yeast rice can help reducing and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, as stated by a specific EU health claim, thereby lowering the risk of heart disease.
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Astragalus Astragalus membranaceus (Fish.) Bge. is a plant originating from China and Tibet whose roots were traditionally used to reinvigorate the organism. Bioactive compounds contained include saponins, polysaccharides, phenolic acids. It is used to support immune system and as a tonic/adaptogen.
Beta Glucan Yeast Beta Glucan (from S. cerevisiae) is a powerful immune stimulator, activating macrophages and lymphocytes in the immune system. Beta Glucan is a safe, non toxic, and orally effective supplement for those who wish to enhance their immune system.
Bovine Colostrum Bovine colostrum is the first food for newborns, produ-ced by mothers before milk secretion. Its composition makes it different from milk, since it is “designed” to provide to the newborn a wide spectrum of substances which are needed for development and protection from pathogens: Immunoglobulins (G, M and A types), lactoferrin, Proline-Rich Polypeptides (PRP, potent stimulants of immune system), vitamins and minerals and many others. Supplementation with colostrum powder is be-neficial for immune system of adult individuals as well. Different raw materials are available with various specifications in terms of percentage of total proteins and immunoglobulins; moreover already formulated products (capsules, tablets, sachets, chewables) can also be sup-plied for a faster access to the market.
Echinacea Echinacea (E. angustifolia DC., E. pallida Nutt. and E. purpurea (L.) Moench.) has been a highly valued remedy by the American Indians as a cure or soother for all types of bites and stings, including snake bites. It is one of the most well known medicinal plants and a widely accepted stimulant for the immune system, especially towards macrophages and granulocytes. The most important immunostimulant components of Echinacea are the large polysaccharides, such as inulin, that increase the production of T-cells and increase natural killer cells activity.
Eleutherococcus Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr. et Maxim.), also known as “Siberian ginseng” is a plant originating from Siberia and Mongolia. Main components of phytocomplex are Eleutherosides, characteristic compounds belonging to different chemical families (i.e. sterols, lignans). It exerts an immunostimulant (attributed to polysaccharides) and adaptogen/tonic activity.
Fermented Papaya Fermented papaya, produced by fermentation of Carica papaya L. by using yeast, is a food supplement that possesses beneficial and potent antioxidant properties that may be helpful against age-related and disease-related increase in oxidative stress. FP exhibits anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunostimulant action and induction of antioxidant enzymes.
Honey Bees honey is one of the world’s most sustainable foods: it’s rich in sugar, vitamins, minerals and it also contains many phytochemicals like phenolic acids and polyphenols with antioxidant activity. Health benefits of honey are many and diverse: examples are healing of ulcers, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity and immunity-boosting effect by stimulation of antibodies and cytokines production.
Immulox® Immulox® is a variety of colostrum produced by US company APS Biogroup. It consists in a colostrum particu-larly enriched in Proline-Rich Polypeptides (up to 14%); these are special components of colostrum consisting in short peptides, rich in proline residues and very conserved among different mammalian species, that have been studied and proved themselves as immunostimulant molecules. PRP behave like signal molecules which act like a balancing agent of immune response, moderating it when it overreacts and stimulating it when it is insufficient. PRP stimulate production of different cytokines (IFN-γ , TNF-α , IL-6 e IL-10), induce growth and differentiation of B cells, and promote maturation of timocytes to T-helper and T-suppressor cells; it demonstrated itself very effective for allergies, viral infections, different autoimmune diseases and also for severe syndromes like AIDS and Alzheimer. Immulox® is available as a raw material (powder) and as a handy pre-formulated spray.
Lactoferrin Lactoferrin is one of the components present in milk and colostrum and conferred to newborns from mothers to protect them and to support a still immature immune system. Lactoferrin is an iron binding protein which, sequestering iron ions, destabilizes the membranes of pathogenic microorganisms, inhibiting their growth. It also bears an immune-modulating activity, probably by modulating cytokines production, regulating the production of reactive oxygen species and recruiting and stimulating immune cells.
Mistletoe Viscum album L. has a long lasting history of traditional use and possesses cardiotonic and anti-inflammatory effect and an immunostimulant activity, possibly due to stimulation of lymphokines production in lymphocytes.
Shiitake Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes Berk. (Pegler)), traditional Japanese mushroom, is used for health issues involving depressed immune function. Lentinan, the beta glucan from shiitake mushrooms, is thought to be one of the most effective immunomodulators. Numerous studies have shown its ability to stimulate natural killer cell, T-cell, and macrophage-dependent responses.
Tabebuia avellanedae Bark extract from Tabebuia avellanedae Lorentz ex Griseb. has been traditionally used in South American folk medicine to heal diverse disorders, including cancer. It has been recently acclaimed as a “wonder-drug” with anti-infective properties and as a support for the immune system and natural defenses, for example exerting antifungal activity through bioactive compounds lapachol and β-lapachone.
Uncaria tomentosa Cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa (Willd. ex Schult.) DC.) is a plant originally used in Peruvian Amazonian areas for a wide variety of physical disorders. Several groups of plant chemicals account for much of the plant’s actions and uses: oxindole alkaloids with immunostimulant and antileukemic properties, quinovic acid glycosides with anti-inflammatory and antiviral actions, antioxidant molecules (tannins, catechins and procyanidins) and plant sterols (beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol) with anti-inflammatory properties.
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Alpha-Lipoic Acid Alpha-lipoic acid is a key molecule in physiological functions, acting as a cofactor in energy producing reactions and as a potent antioxidant compound. Being able to exert an anti-inflammatory activity, there are evidences which position alpha-lipoic acid in joint health and arthritis area.
Boswellia Boswellia serrata Roxb. ex Colebr. is a shrub originating from Middle East and North Africa; an extract characterized by a high content of boswellic acids is obtained from the resin exudates from its bark. Boswellia extract showed significant anti-inflammatory, antiarthritic and analgesic effects in joint pain and arthritis cases both in humans and animal models.
Chondroitin Sulphate Chondroitin sulfate is a mucopolysaccharide of the glycosaminoglycans family. The extractive method involves a proteolytic treatment, followed by a specific separation and purification. Special processes are implemented in order to eliminate any kind of viruses in the final product. It is beneficial for healthy and strong joints. CS originates from pork, bovine, poultry and marine sources.
Collagen Collagen is a protein that makes up about 25% of the proteins in the human body. There are 14 different types of collagen, with Type II being the most predominant. It is important to the structural integrity of connective tissue located throughout most of the body, especially bones, cartilages, tendons, and ligaments. Collagen may be obtained from different sources and in different forms: marine versions can contain up to 90% pure type II collagen (Collagen HM®), 75-85% type II collagen together with 23-28% chondroitin sulphate and minerals as well (Glycollagen®) or 60-70% collagen plus 35-40% CS (Protein M®). Bovine versions are also available.
Exclzyme® It is a concentrated systemic enzyme blend with several powerful protease enzymes, active against inflammation. Furthermore, it contains Amla and Rutin which provide additional support to the enzymatic activity. A clinical study conducted at the University of Maine has de-monstrated Exclzyme® efficacy for most symptoms associated with joint problems including fatigue, soreness, discomfort and swelling. Exclzyme En® showed a significant inhibition of C-Reactive Protein, a recognized marker for inflammation.
Hyaluronic Acid Hyaluronic acid is an important glycosaminoglycan, present in epithelial and connective tissues. It is moreover a key component in joints cartilage, with the role of coating chondrocytes and letting water imbibe the surrounding area, conferring to cartilage the typical elasticity and resistance to compression. It is also part of synovial fluid, filling spaces in the joints. Supplemented HA (in a wide range of molecular weight, leading to different capabilities to penetrate tissues) is thus helpful to healthy joints, besides its classical role in maintaining skin elasticity and favoring epithelization.
Krill Oil Krill oil is obtained processing Krill, a small crustacean fished in Antarctic oceans. Krill oil is rich in highly bioavailable EPA and DHA and astaxanthin, a carotenoid stored by krill to protect the almost transparent body from light radiations. Besides being beneficial in cardiovascular area Krill Oil has been proven effective in moderating inflammatory states as showed in a clinical trial where both elevated PCR level and pain score (WOMAC score) in arthritic individuals were reduced significantly in only 7 days.
Marine Cartilages Mainly obtained from marine sources (sharks and other fishes) and also available from bovines, cartilage is a source of mucopolysaccharides, mainly chondroitin sulphate, beneficial for healthy joints. Marine cartilage powder is a potent ingredient both featuring 12-15% chondroitin sulphate and 40-45% collagen type II for an optimal support to joint’s health. Shark cartilage powder is also available, containing 4-6% chondroitin sulphate, 30-40% type II collagen and high concentrations of minerals.
MSM Methyl Sulphonyl Methane is a naturally occurring sulphur compound. It is a natural source of sulphur which is essential for the production of collagen, a primary constituent of cartilage and connective tissue. Glucosamine in combination with MSM (Methyl Sulphonyl Methane) indicated to possess a beneficial effect in the treatment of osteoarthritis.
Phoscalim® Phoscalim® is a mineral extract powder obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis from lean fish (cod, saithe) and it is very rich in bioavailable calcium (21-23%) and phosphorus (10-12%). Clinical study carried out by Institut Pasteur has demonstra-ted that Phoscalim® contributes to limit the bone loss. This phenomenon has been shown by a decrease of crosslaps (bone resorption markers) in blood. Phoscalim® showed a calcium bioavailability performance similar to milk’s one and contributes to reinforce the phosphocalcic metabolism and participates to the maintenance of bone matrix.
SAMe SAMe (S-adenosyl methionine) is an aminoacids derivative, physiologically synthesized in the body and participating to numerous biochemical reactions (methylations). SAMe helps maintaining stable mood and joint function, without any side effect. SAMe has been used successfully in treating symptoms of osteoarthritis as well as mood disorders.
Vitamin K2 Vitamin K2 (NattoMK-7, menaquinone-7) is a natural source of Vitamin K, extracted from Natto, a traditional japanese dish made through fermentation of soy with Bacillus subtilis Natto. Vitamin K is a lipid soluble vitamin which exerts an essential role for the organism, as confirmed by EU health claims, contributing to normal blood clotting and to maintenance of normal bones; vitamin K (menaquinone-7) in fact is needed for the normal function of the enzymes involved in blood coagulation cascade and is moreover a cofactor of Osteocalcin, an enzyme synthesized in bones which takes part in tissue mineralization and skeletal turnover. Epidemiological studies indicate that low Vitamin K intake is associated with osteoporosis, osteopenia and increased risk of fractures.
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Acetyl-L-Carnitine It is the acetylic ester of L-carnitine. The acetylic portion of ALC contributes to the endogenous biosynthesis of neurotransmitter acetylcholine which is fundamental for mental and neurological function. Supplementation may exert a neuroprotective function and contrast aging processes.
Algal DHA One of the safest and purest versions of DHA is the one obtained through fermentation in controlled environment of Schizochytrium spp. microalgae. DHA is one of the main components of nerves tissue and it’s thus essential for its development and to support brain function. EU approved health claims in this area include the recognition of maintenance of normal brain function in adults and a contribution, through maternal intake, to normal brain development of the foetus and of breastfed infants. Algal DHA is available in form of an oil at 35% or 40% and in powdered version.
Gingko biloba Ginkgo is among the most popular plant extracts in Europe; it is gaining recognition as a brain tonic that enhances memory because of its positive effects on the vascular system, especially in the cerebellum. It is also used to help vertigo, tinnitus and a variety of neurological disorders and circulation problems. Ginkgo may help to counteract the effects of aging, including mental fatigue and lack of energy.
Glycerophosphorylethanolamine – Glycerophosphorylcoline Hydrosoluble precursors of phospholipids.
Krill Oil Krill oil is obtained from small Antarctic crustaceans and contains highly bioavailable EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids peculiarly linked to phospholipids and esterified astaxanthin which passes hematoencephalic bar rier; krill oil showed an antioxidant capability and demonstrated itself effective in sectors such as lipid management (cardiovascular health) and in reduction of inflammation, decreasing joint pain and markers of systemic inflammation. In light of the benefits of omega-3 towards brain health, krill oil has also been tested in cognitive and neurological area and was demonstrated as helpful in the management of the attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders in adults. Three months' administration may significantly improve concentration capacity, focus and planning skills.
Phosphatidylserine Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid, highly concentrated in the brain, that maintains memory, learning skills, concentration, word recall, and more in general cognitive function. PS supports the integrity of cell structures in the brain as well as removing toxins and importing nutrients to the cell. It has been shown to improve memory and cognition in the healthy as well as in the mentally deteriorated elderly.
Sharp PS™ Sharp PS™ is a high purity soy-derived phosphatidylserine, having best in class properties of colour, flowability, texture and stability. Research has found that PS is a major component of every living cell, especially of nerve cells; it has a role in nerve cells proper signal processing and cell-to-cell communication; may provide relief to mild memory problems associated with aging.
Sharp PS™ gold Sharp PS™ GOLD is an exclusive and rare compound of conjugated Phosphatidylserine-DHA enriched with LC-PUFA (Long Chain Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids) for dietary supplements. It resembles to the naturally occurring (brain) PS, has shown to increase DHA’s bioavailability to the brain and acts with DHA for an improved cognitive performance. Sharp PS™ GOLD is made from soy and marine sources; it mimics the structure-function of the human PS to better activate the memory & mental performance.
Sharp PS™ silver Sharp PS™ SILVER is a highly concentrated and stability guaranteed blend of Phosphatidylserine with DHA. In each RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance), there is a min. of 100 mg of PS and 100-500 mg of DHA, according to client’s specification. Sharp PS™ SILVER is made from soy and marine sources; it is a unique, patent protected blend of PS and DHA for improving mental and cognitive abilities.
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Cranberry American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton) is a well known natural remedy for urinary tract. Bioactive compounds responsible for these activities are multimeric PAC (proanthocyanidins) which inhibit adhesion of infective agents (bacteria) to urinary mucosae and exert an anti-inflammatory effect on inflamed tissues. Cranberry has also proven itself effective in reducing PSA level, supporting prostate health.
Maca Maca (Lepidium meyenii walp.) is traditionally used as an effective nutritional support for endocrine gland balance, erectile function, male fertility and energy.
Muira Puama Muira Puama (Ptycopetalum olacoides Benth., part commonly used: bark) is a herb traditionally used as an aphrodisiac by men and women as it boosts and prolongs performance, enhances virility and may also help with stress management, nervous system stimulation, genital weakness, impotence, and overall health.
Policosanols from Sugar Cane Policosanol was originally defined as a high molecular weight alcohol isolated from sugar cane, with octacosanol as the main component. It helps lowering LDL and total cholesterol levels in the blood; it helps improving sexual activity/performance.
Pumpkin Seeds Seeds from pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima Duchesne) exert an anti-androgenic activity (inhibition of conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone) and an anti-inflammatory activity attributed to delta-7-sterols and have showed significant positive effects for the reduction of symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Red Clover Trifolium pratense L. is a herb naturally containing phytoestrogens like genistein, daidzein, biochanin A and formononetin, supplementation of which has been correlated to a reduced incidence of prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Saw Palmetto Serenoa repens (Bart.) Small. is an effective natural remedy for health of prostate and urinary tract, useful to counteract urination troubles due to benign prostatic hyperplasia. New theories state that Serenoa, similarly to conventional medication finasteride, may inhibit the action of an important hormone-regulating enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, a process believed to be related to both an enlarged prostate and prostate cancer.
Tribulus terrestris The characterizing bioactive compounds of Tribulus terrestris L. are saponins, like protodioscin. These molecules have an androgen mimetic action thus increasing production of hormones like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone and boosting sexual performance, erectile function and desire.
Ubiquinol Current knowledge on idiopatic infertility keeps into consideration the excess of unscavenged ROS in seminal fluid as a potential cause for poor semen quality. Kaneka Ubiquinol™ acting as a potent lipid-soluble antioxidant and radical scavenger, proved itself effective in different studies in significantly improving semen quality (sperms density, motility and morphology) in infertile individuals affected by oligoasthenotheratozoospermia.
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Fibersol-2™ Fibersol-2™ is a 90% soluble dietary fiber consisting in a digestion-resistant maltodextrin. The ingredient is a spray-dried powder produced by the pyrolysis and con-trolled enzymatic hydrolysis of cornstarch. One of the key features of Fibersol-2™ is that it represents a good substrate for the bifidobacteria, exerting a prebiotic acti-vity on intestine microflora. Technically it is flavorless and readily soluble in water. Studies on Fibersol-2™ have showed beneficial effects on the digestive tract, on blood glucose and cholesterol levels, besides the classical ability to increase both bowel regularity and fecal volume.
Fructooligosaccharides Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) have been known as prebiotics for some time, also joined by galactooligosaccharides and other digestion-resistant carbohydrates. FOS are compounds made up of fructose sugar molecules linked together in long chains. They can be found naturally in such foods as Jerusalem artichokes, tubers, onions, leeks, some grains and honey.
Galactooligosaccharides Trans-galactooligosaccharides (TGOS) are soluble galactans that can be classified as dietary fiber because they pass through the small intestine intact, but are fermented in the colon by the intestinal flora, thereby favoring its growth. TGOS are di- to octa-saccharides composed of 1–7 galacto-se units linked to a glucose molecule at the reducing end.
Xylooligosaccharides Xylooligosaccharides are oligosaccharides containing xylose molecules bound in a 1→4 fashion. They are produced by partial hydrolysis of xylans and polydextrose or pyrodextrins.
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Bifidobacteria Bifidobacteria are anaerobic microorganisms, lactic and acetic acid producers; several species of this genus are normally stable hosts of intestinal environment and they contribute to increasing frequency of stools, decreasing transit time and generally stabilizing intestinal health balance by inhibiting pathogens colonization and interacting with the cells of the intestinal tissue. Their growth and efficacy is stimulated by prebiotic fibers and they represent the majority of colonizing microorganisms at the very beginning of the life of the newborn, as showed by their prevalence in the faeces of breastfed infants.
Bifidobacterium bifidum B. bifidum colonizes efficiently the colon. Among the peculiar properties of this strain, B. bifidum demonstrated to be able to boost the immune system by upregulating the proliferation of immune cells and, in clinical studies, it showed bene-ficial effects in reducing occurrence and symptoms of winter infective diseases either in children and in adults.
Bifidobacterium breve It is one of the species of the Bifidobacteria genus with the highest capability to adhere to cells and tissues. It blocks the adherence of pathogenic bacteria as E. coli; in literature it has been reported to stimulate the secretion of IgA.
Bifidobacterium infantis B. infantis is commonly found in faeces of breastfed infants, commonly to other Bifidobacteria strains. Research suggests that the presence of B. infantis in the colon may help reducing the incidence of infantile diarrhea, reducing inflammatory response and growth of unfriendly bacteria, ease symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, enhance immune system.
Bifidobacterium longum B. longum colonizes efficiently the colon, from the very beginning of the life of the newborn. It efficiently adheres to cell lines and it was proven beneficial in ulcerative colitis, downregulating inflammatory response of intestinal tissues and modulating physical and emotional balance through gut-brain axis.
Lactobacilli Lactobacilli are probiotic microorganisms, facultative anaerobes and lactic acid producers. They are naturally present in vaginal and intestinal microflora, where they constitute a stable component of human microbiota. Through their interaction with the tissues, Lactobacilli insure the health of the mucosae by protecting them from pathogens colonization and in particular stimulating gut’s resident immune system (GALT).
Lactobacillus acidophilus Lactobacillus acidophilus is a natural host of intestinal and vaginal microflora. It is able to inhibit pathogens colonization, to alleviate lactose intolerance and to boost immune system.
Lactobacillus casei As suggested by the name, original isolation was from dairy products; this strain is highly resistant to acid pH and bile, thus possessing the ability to efficiently pass gastric barrier and reach distal intestine districts. It showed good results in counteracting diarrhea and supporting immune health.
Lactobacillus helveticus Lactobacillus helveticus is a lactic acid bacterial microorganism, widely used in the manufacture of different dairy products, also showing ability to colonize mucosae and several health-promoting properties in the intestinal tract, in the va-ginal tissues and for the immune system. As suggested by clinical studies, crosstalk with intestinal cells and normalization of the tissue permeability also allow for a beneficial effect by L. helveticus on the intestine which reverberates on mood and anxiety through the so-called gut/brain axis.
Lactobacillus plantarum Originally isolated from silage it has a long history in food fermentation. It is a natural and common host of gastrointestinal tract which is colonized after effectively surviving harsh gastric conditions. This species is characterized by remarkable lactase activity, thus supporting and facilitating lactose digestion. It also showed promising results in counteracting IBS symptoms, reducing intestinal bloating and restoring intestinal balance.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus Lactobacillus rhamnosus is a natural component of the intestinal, vaginal and oral microflora. It is one of the most studied among all probiotic strains and it has been proven effective in several health areas: reduction of incidence of diarrhea (also antibiotic-associated) and moderation of IBS symptoms, improvement of quality of life lactose-intolerant subjects, eradication of H. pylori, improvement of atopic dermatitis and decrease of incidence and of recurrence of vaginal dysbiosis.
Lactococcus lactis Originally isolated from Kefir (fermented Caucasian milk), L. lactis is traditionally known to improve GI health, especially benefitting digestive function.
Microencapsulated Probiotic Strains Microencapsulation technology is available for a number of probiotic strains; it consists of a coating process (through vegetable fatty acids) which increases viability and protects lyophilized cells from a number of stress factors that may harm probiotic bacteria like heat shock, compression and acidic pH.
Non-Dairy Lactobacilli Several Lactobacilli are also available in non-dairy version, i.e. produced without use of lactose-containing growth medium and with no final residues of milk and dairy allergens.
Saccharomyces boulardii, Ground and Pharma Grade S. boulardii is one of the few eukaryotic organisms among probiotics: it is in fact belonging to yeasts group. It is derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae widely used in the food, baking, wine and distilling industries. S. boulardiiis able to survive during the digestion process. It is not a natural host of the intestinal microflora and does not have the ability to adhere to the host intestinal cells; nevertheless it helps increasing the lactic flora and decreasing coliforms. Having the capacity to naturally inhibit pathogens growth and not being sensitive to antibiotics, S. boulardiiis recommended during antibiotic therapy to prevent diar-rhea. It is also commonly and successfully used to prevent travelers’ diarrhea.
Spores Spore is a natural survival strategy which several bacteria (i.e. of the genus Bacillus) “choose” to survive stress and harsh environmental condition, conferring to the microbes the ability to be protected and germinate when a favorable condition occurs. Spores confer resistance to heat, pH, absence of nutrients and humidity. Bacillus coagulans is a gram-positive, spore-forming, lactic-acid producing bacillus. It was originally isolated and described in 1933. The organism requires a complex mixture of organic substrates for growth, including fermentable carbohydrates and peptides. Bacillus subtilis is totally harmless to humans and has in fact rendered them invaluable services. Its ability to grow in vitro and to produce abundant quantities of enzymatic substances is widely used by the food industry. It is an important source for the production of amylase and protease enzymes. It produces proteins with antibiotic effects.
Streptococcus thermophilus S. thermophilus is one of the “historical” probiotic strains since, along with Lactobacillus bulgaricus, it is responsible of yoghurt production through milk fermentation. S. thermophilusis capable of reaching only the upper part of GI system where it is especially useful in helping digesting lactose in intolerant subjects. Both yoghurt strains are also useful in protecting vaginal mucosae from pathogens, normalizing microflora and the local immune function.
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Californian Poppy Californian poppy (Eschscholtzia californica Cham.) is a plant from papaveraceae family with a sedative, sleeping-induction and anxiety-reduction effect on the organism. Active part is the aerial portion of the flower.
Chamomile Chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) is a herb both growing spontaneously and cultivated in temperate areas. Its extract contains several different flavonoids (i.e. apigenin), coumarins and volatile oils. Oil preparations possess antibacterial and antifungal effects while extracts and infusions of the herb are used to facilitate sleeping, as antispasmodic and as anti-inflammatory.
Feverfew Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schulz. Bip. is a perennial plant from temperate areas; preparations from its aerial part, standardized in parthenolide, are known to mitigate migraine, both frequency and gravity of its occurrence. Other traditional uses include alleviation of rheumatic and arthritic inflammations and of pain.
Griffonia Griffonia simplicifolia (DC.) Baill. is a plant from the Leguminosae family. The plant, especially the seeds, contains high levels of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) a natural aminoacid which is the precursor of serotonin synthesis in the organism. Thus extracts of the plant are used as supplements with relaxing and mood-balancing effect, as sleep aids and also as appetite controllers.
Hop Humulus lupulus L. is a plant very well spread in temperate areas. Preparations from inflorescences, containing several bioactive molecules (most of which are bitter α and β acids, like humulone and lupulone) possess several activities such as a relaxing and hypnotic effect. Hop extracts standardized in 8-prenylnaringenin are also used to mitigate post menopausal syndromes, mimicking endogenous hormones.
L-Theanine L-Theanine is a relaxing, health-promoting amino acid found in green tea leaves in which it constitutes 1-2% of dry weight. L-Theanine increases alpha-waves producing mental and physical relaxation, decreasing stress and anxiety, without inducing drowsiness while possibly increasing attention; possible mechanism links with the release of neurotransmitters (GABA and, in turn, serotonin and dopamine).
L-Tryptophan Tryptophan is an essential amino acid, used by the brain to produce serotonin, a necessary neurotransmitter sending nerve impulses from cell to cell and is responsible for normal sleep. Tryptophan also helps to combat depression and insomnia and to stabilize moods.
Magnolia Magnolia officinalis Rehder & Wilson is thought to normalize cortisol and DHEA levels in stressed individuals, to induce relaxation and to act as an aid in controlling weight and stress-related eating or drinking.
Melatonin Melatonin is a natural and effective sleep aid. It is physiologically produced by the organism to regulate circadian sleep/wake cycles, secreted in the blood stream at night time and inhibited by light; ability to produce melatonin is thought to decrease when the organism gets older. Melatonin’s supplementation is capable of naturally and safely promote and regularize sleep as confirmed by EFSA health claims which recognize that melatonin is able to reduce the time to sleep and alleviate the effects of jet lag.
Melissa officinalis Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) has always been considered a “calming herb”. It has been used since the Middle Ages to reduce stress and anxiety, promote sleep, improve appetite and ease discomfort associated with digestion. Lemon balm is often combined with other herbs like valerian to enhance the overall relaxing effect.
Passiflora incarnata Passiflora incarnata L. is a perennial plant whose preparations from aerial part are known for their sedative activity since 19th century. The effect of the phytocomplex aims the central nervous system by reducing motor activity and transiently moderating blood pressure and stimulating respiratory activity. Preparations are used as sedatives, to counteract insomnia, anxiety, headache and gastric digestive spasms.
Red poppy Red poppy (Papaver rhoeas L.) is a mild sedative and stress-contrasting plant from papaveraceae family, known since Romans for this effect, attributable to the mild alkaloids present in the petals of the flower.
Rose root Rhodiola rosea L. is a succulent plant of the Crassulaceae family. Preparations from the roots of this plant possess a tonic, adaptogenic and anti-stress effect, supporting a balanced mood and an increased attention.
St John’s Wort Hypericum perforatum L. is a well spread spontaneous plant; preparations from its aerial parts, containing hypericin, possess natural effect for mild nervous disorders due to anxiolytic and antidepressant activities of this compound. Other uses include topical applications for skin care thanks to an antiseptic effect.
Valeriana officinalis Valeriana officinalis L. benefits are known and documented since Romans; this herb, the root of which is used for herbal preparations and extracts, possesses a calming effect on CNS and antispasmodic and equilibrating activities (sedative in case of overexcitement and stimulating in fatigue states), which favor relax and sleep.
White Willow Salix alba L. is a middle size tree native of Eurasia. Preparations and extracts from its bark possess sedative effect and calming activity on nervous excitability. Moreover salicin standardized extracts are known for their natural antirheumatic (especially for joints), analgesic and antipyretic effects.
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Creatine Creatine is a compound that can be produced in our bodies or taken as a dietary supplement. Creatine is an important intracellular mediator of energy exchange, often being the “limiting agent” for energy production during intense efforts and it’s produced from three amino acids - Arginine, Glycine and Methionine. The other way we get Creatine is from our diet. Creatine supplementation is able to enhance athletic performance, especially the anaerobic one, as it promotes muscle growth and it speeds up recovery.
D-Ribose Ribose occurs naturally in all living cells. It is a simple sugar that begins the metabolic process for ATP production. During strenuous exercise, large amounts of ATP, the body’s primary energy-carrying molecule, can be depleted in heart and skeletal muscle cells. Ribose is used by the body to synthesize nucleotides, ATP, nucleic acids, and glycogen.
Ginseng Panax ginseng has historically been highly revered by the Chinese and Manchurians as the “human-shaped” root, and used as a rejuvenator, an invigorator and an aphrodisiac. It is renowned for its ability to increase mental and physical ener-gy and endurance.
Guaraná Guaraná (Paullinia cupana Kunth) is a plant originating from South America. It increases mental alertness and combats fatigue and it is a very high source of energy. Guaraná is a source of naturally occurring caffeine besides other related alcaloids. Although it contains a higher percentage of caffeine than coffee, the other contained compounds cause its stimulating effects to be more gentle than coffee and other sources of caffeine.
HMB Hydroxymethyl butyrate is a metabolite of leucine and it is deemed to have anticatabolic properties towards proteins, which results in less protein disruption during muscular activity and in a promotion of athletic performance by increasing lean mass. It is also reputed to be able to induce protein synthesis through multiple pathways.
L-Carnitine L-Carnitine is a nonessential organic nutrient, ubiquitous in all the cells of the organism, required for entry of long-chain fatty acids into mitochondria, where they are burned for energy. Fat burning is a major source of muscular energy, so deficiencies in L-Carnitine are manifested as low energy levels and muscular weakness. L-Carnitine deficiencies can also appear as mental confusion or cloudiness, angina (heart pain) and weight gain.
NADH NADH is an activated form of the B vitamin niacin. It can improve memory and athletic performance and slow down the aging process. NADH can be also helpful in a variety of conditions including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and overall lack of energy.
Royal Jelly Royal jelly is produced by bees to nurture all the newborns for the first days and the queen bee for the lifetime. It is very rich in nutrients such as proteins, sugars, lipids, vitamins and mineral and it is supplemented as a restorative support for the organism, often supplied in combination with ginseng as a general energizer. It also contains antimicrobial agents to support immune system, especially for topical use.
Tribulus terrestris Traditionally used as a dietary supplement to enhance vigor, vitality and stamina. It has stimulating effect on spermatogenesis, ovogenesis and sexual libido. It is a natural herbal alternative to synthetic anabolic hormones without any clinically proven toxic effects.
Ubiquinol Kaneka Ubiquinol™ is a key molecule in the metabolism of the body, both exerting a fundamental role in energy production and acting as a radical scavenger. Ubiquinol has been proven beneficial in sports nutrition to support training, thanks to ubiquinol’s contribution to mitochondrial energetics: young athletes during training sessions before London 2012 Olympics have been administered with ubiquinol and obtained a significant extra improvement in athletic performance compared to placebo.
Yerba mate The primary active chemical constituents of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.Hil.) comprise xanthine alkaloids (caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline), saponins, and 10% chlorogenic acid. The main actions are as a stimulant, tonic and thermogenic (increase fat burning) thus supporting tone, energy and performance, besides a weight loss effect.
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Centella asiatica Generally helpful for microcirculation, Centella asiatica (L.) Urban is beneficial for symptoms accompanying venous insufficiency and varicose veins, such as feelings of heaviness in the lower legs, tingling sensations, night cramps, spider veins, and edema. It is also thought to improve memory and cognitive functions.
Citrus Bioflavonoids Bioflavonoids protect blood vessels and reduce plate-let aggregation (acting as natural blood thinners). As antioxidants, some bioflavonoids such as quercetin protect LDL-cholesterol from oxidative damage. In humans, bioflavonoids like diosmin improve venous tone, maintain resistance of capillary walls to permeation and change of pressure, increase lymphatic drainage and have synergistic antioxidant effects with vitamin C, making them potent free radical scavengers; all these actions contribute to naturally resolve venous insufficiency, hemorrhoids, lymphedema and varicose veins. Further bioflavonoids active in venous health which can be obtained from citrus fruits are hesperidin, a flavanone glycoside and hesperetin, its aglyconic form. Other bioflavonoids from citrus, documented as beneficial for cardiovascular health are apigenin,naringenin and its glycoside naringin.
Common White Birch White birch (Betula alba L.) possesses a well recognized diuretic effect, exerting a depurative action and helping drainage of bodily liquids and renal function. One of the main bioactive compounds in birch is rutin.
Horse Chestnut Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) extracts are mainly rich in aescin, a mix of triterpenic saponins, which also represent the common standardization. Extracts exert a very well known anti-inflammatory, antioedematous and venotonic activity. Aescin influences microcirculation by normalizing vascular permeability, increasing capillaries resistance thus reducing liquid leakage. Microcirculation functionality is also promoted through an antiinflammatory local effect.
Horsetail Equisetum (Equisetum arvense L.) is a plant commonly found in northern hemisphere. Its extract is a natural remedy to improve peripheral circulation and diuresis and, through its silica content, to support the formation of joint cartilages and connective tissues.
Nattoseb Enterically coated Nattokinase, a natural enzyme with fibrinolytic activity derived from fermented soy and providing support for hypercoagulation states. Fibrin is a tough protein arranged in long fibrous chains. This fibrinolytic activity supports normal fibrin activity, thus aiding normal blood flow. Clinical studies have demonstrated that it may give a contribution in the prevention of long flight thrombosis. It is also considered a good aid to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
Orthosiphon Orthosiphon stamineus Benth. is an important plant in traditional folk medicine, originating from southeastern Asia and containing several flavonoids, terpenoids and essential oils; the main compound is sinensetin, a methylated flavone. The main health properties connected to the extract of orthosiphon are related to its diuretic effect, to an increased urogenic activity and to renal protective effect, together with anti-inflammatory and hypotensive functions.
Red Vine Leaves The active principles of Vitis vinifera L. leaves make them an excellent tonic for veins and capillaries, which allows for a better blood circulation and for a better irrigation of the different tissues. Red vine is rich in choline, inositol, and vitamin C. It contains proanthocyanidins, compounds that have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. These substances also act as antioxidants, protecting blood vessels from free radicals, and are effective antihistamine and antiinflammatory compounds
Resveratrol Resveratrol is a naturally occurring phytoalexin produced by plants as a defence against infection by pathogenic microorganisms, such as fungi. Resveratrol is found in high amounts in grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) and in the dried roots and stems of the plant Polygonum cuspidatum. Resveratrol is a vascular-protecting agent used as a remedy for venous in-sufficiency, lymphedema and varicose veins and also exert a cardiovascular protective action through antioxidant and antiinflammatory activity.
Ruscus aculeatus Ruscus aculeatus L. is a common perennial shrub in Mediterranean maquis. Its primary bioactive compounds are steroidal saponins Ruscogenins and Neoruscogenins. Several studies indicate that Ruscus is useful for peripheral microcirculation reducing vascular permeability, exert a vasoconstrictive effect and is helpful in subjects with chronic venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids.
Rutin Rutin has been shown to reduce edema or excess swelling in the legs due to fluid retention. Like other bioflavonoids, rutin works best when administered with vitamin C and other bioflavonoids. Rutin and other flavonoids are widely used for the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency.
Sebkinase® A proprietary blend of enterically coated nattokinase and serrapeptase and a unique mineral blend to provide a powerful help in anti-inflammatory and fibrinolytic treatments.
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Banaba Banaba (Lagerstroemia speciosa L. Pers.) has a recognized hypoglycemic effect, stimulating glucose uptake in the cells, thus regulating blood sugar and insulin level. A normalization of glucose management (reduction of hyperglycemic and consequent hypoglycemic peak) is often related to a regularization of appetite and cravings, especially for carbohydrates, which in turn potentially leads to a reduction of calories intake. This may result, in certain subjects, in a normalization of the lifestyle and in a reduction of weight.
Citrus aurantium Citrus aurantium L. is widely used for stimulating the energetic metabolism of the organism, enhancing breakdown of fat; supposed mechanism of this effect is the stimulation, through the action of major bioactive compound synephrine, of the release of noradrenaline (a stress hormone) at beta-3 receptor sites, thus inducing biochemical reactions that increase the rate of fat breakdown (lipolysis) and resting metabolic rate (thermogenesis).
Cla Conjugated Linoleic Acid is a group of conjugated octadecadienoic acid isomers derived from linoleic acid; it acts as an inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase (LPL), an enzyme which transfers fats from the bloodstream to the fat cells. As a result of the decreased enzyme activity the transport of fat into fat cells is blocked. At the same time CLA also stimulates the breakdown of stored body fat (lipolysis). CLA improves body composition by reducing fat and preserving muscle tissue.
Garcinia cambogia Garcinia cambogia is a natural and safe remedy for weight loss. Through its major phytoconstituent, hydroxycitric acid, it helps reducing production and storage of fat, it inhibits conversion of carbohydrates into fat, promotes gluconeogenesis and suppresses the appetite. In conjunction with a low fat diet, garcinia may be used as an effective aid for weight loss.
Glavonoid™ Glavonoid™ is a new nutritional ingredient developed by Kaneka which received Novel Food approval in EU in 2011. Obtained through extraction from licorice, standardized in glabridin (signature polyphenol of this plant) and devoid of pro-ipertensive natural molecule glycyrrhizic acid, GlavonoidTM proved itself effective in several animal studies and human clinical trials in reduction of fat tissue, especially visceral fat. Mechanistically this is deemed to happen by increasing fat burning and lean mass development and decreasing lipids physiological synthesis and storage. This effect, in combination with a controlled lifestyle and physical exercise, may lead to an effective weight loss.
Glucomannan Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber that is derived from konjac root (Amorphophallus konjac). Glucomannan is a high molecular weight polysaccharide consisting primarily of mannose and glucose sugars. It helps in reducing cholesterol and promotes bowel health and regularity. It also helps normalizing blood sugar, relieving stress on the pancreas and discouraging blood sugar abnormalities, such as hypoglycaemia. Glucomannan acts in prevention of chronic diseases and as a weight control agent. As a diet aid, it expands to about 50 times its original volume when used with a large glass of water.
Green Coffee Green coffee consists of the coffee beans which have not undergone roasting that is performed to process coffee for use in commonly consumed beverages. Green coffee thus retains bioactive compounds, mainly polyphenols such as cholorogenic acid, which are deemed beneficial for human health upon extraction from the plant beans. Chlorogenic acid is deemed to act as an insulin sensitizer, stimulating glucose uptake, thus working as an antidiabetic agent; moreover there are evidences that chlorogenic acid is capable of reducing fasting plasma cholesterol and TG concentration, of modestly reducing LDL oxidation and of decreasing fat absorption and increasing fat metabolism.
Green Tea Green tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze) is derived from the leaves of the tea plant and is rich in beneficial compounds called catechins. Traditional Chinese medicine has prescribed Green Tea for longevity and for a strong immune system, for energy enhancement, headaches, depression, digestion and detoxification. It is thought to have excellent thermogenic properties to enhance weight loss.
Natural Caffeine Caffeine is an alkaloid, naturally and abundantly present in several plants like coffee, tea, cocoa, guaranà, mate. Natural caffeine is obtained directly from its most common natural source, coffee, separated from it during decaffeination process and purified. As a supplement it is commonly used, besides its classical stimulating effect on central nervous system, for its thermogenic properties: it is able to boost metabolism and induce an oxidation of stored energy, thus promoting loss of weight.
Nopal Nopal is a vegetable part, namely cladodes, from Opuntia Ficus indica plant and is particularly useful in providing a wide range of nutrients and phytoconstituents to the body; these compounds support digestion and maintain blood sugar balance, possibly preventing obesity and metabolic syndrome. Nutritional factors may act in the bowel to prevent fat and excessive sugars from entering the bloodstream.
Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris contains a proteic fraction which, ingested by animals and humans, is able to inhibit amylase enzyme, thus reducing glycemic index of starch in foods. This results in a decreased rate of assimilation of glucose and of the consequent insulin secretion, thus leading to a normalization of glucose management. This phenomenon may reduce craving and further ingestion of food, especially of carbohydrates, potentially leading to a reduction of weight.
Wakame Algae Wakame (Undaria pinnatifida Harvey —Suringar—) is a seaweed commonly consumed as a food in Far East countries. Its main bioactive compound is fucoxanthin, a carotenoid of the xanthophylls family. Fucoxanthin promotes fat metabolism through thermogenesis in white adipose tissue, causing an uncoupling process which diverts fat oxidation to heat generation rather than to energy production; through an effect on adipocytes, fucoxanthin is also deemed to be able to influence glucose management.
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Angelica sinensis Angelica sinensis Diel. is a natural herbal remedy used for several gynecological complaints from regulating the menstrual cycle to treating menopausal symptoms caused by hormonal changes. Angelica’s roots contain different coumarin derivatives that may exert antispasmodic and vasodilatory effects; antispasmodics are remedies for menstrual cramps
Black Cohosh Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt. is a perennial plant originating from eastern part of north America. The Native Americans used its root to improve general health and more specifically the female reproductive tract. Cimicifuga, due to its content in formononetin (isoflavone) has been shown to be effective in helping to treat a variety of gynaecological symptoms including relief from the symptoms of the menopause, hot flushes, nervous tension and premenstrual syndrome. Black Cohosh extract also exerts a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory action due to the presence of salicylic acid.
Borage Oil Borage (Borago officinalis L.) is one of the natural sources of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), a polyunsaturated fatty acid, used to treat a number of conditions, including premenstrual syndrome (PMS), inflammatory disorders and eczema.
Chaste-Tree Vitex agnus-castus L. is a shrub originating from Mediterranean area. Main phytocompounds which are retrieved through the extraction of the fruit are aucubin and agnuside, molecules belonging to the group of iridoid glycosides. It is a known natural remedy for the normalization of menstrual cycle and ovulation and for moderating symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause,reputedly through a dopaminergic action.
Cranberry Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton) and its extracts are common natural remedies for feminine health; high content in PACs (proanthocyanidins, polymeric polyphenols) are known antioxidants and possess a demonstrated effect against adhesion of pathogenic bacteria (i.e. Escherichia coli) to genital mucosae, thus preventing occurrence and recurrence of Urinary Tract Infections.
D-chiro-inositol D-chiro-inositol (DCI) is an isomer of inositol (myo-ino-sitol), differing from it for the stereoisomery of few hydroxyl groups. Similarly to inositol, DCI has a recognized effect in glucose management, for its role as a insulin sensitizer. Several trials have demonstrated that DCI is beneficial in women affected by PCOS, a syndrome with strong links with insulin resistance, leading to defects in ovulation, hyperandrogenism and low fertility: a study published on New England Journal of Medicine showed that supplementation with DCI led to significantly decreased PCOS symptoms and levels of syndrome’s biological markers; an increased ovulation was also observed in treated subjects during the study period.
gamma-linolenic acid GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) is a fatty acid used by mast cells in the body to produce soothing and anti-inflammatory PGE1 prostaglandins. GLA’s effect in counteracting the production of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins has made GLA-containing oils the subject of a series of clinical trials. The use of GLA-containing oils has shown promise in helping people improving joint flexibility, favoring certain aspects of nerve function and improving quality and aspect of the skin in case of dermatitis and eczema.
Horsetail Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is rich in bioavailable silicon. It also contains high levels of potassium, calcium, and a significant variety of fatty acids. Horsetail, when included into the daily diet, facilitates all connective tissues and joints to build and regenerate. It also encourages the absorption of calcium and the breakdown of vitamin B. Horsetail not only stimulates new hair and fingernail growth, but also helps eliminate excess oil from skin and hair in the process
Krill Oil Krill is a small crustacean collected in the Antarctic sea and processed under control of strict rules. From the cold pressing of this shellfish a peculiar oil is obtained, source of high concentrated phospholipidic omega-3 and natural esterified astaxanthin. The phospolipidic form of the omega 3 contained in krill oil confers to them a superior demonstrated bioavailability while the esterified astaxanthin has the ability to penetrate the hematoencephalic barrier. Among several different beneficial effects for the organism, the anti-inflammatory mechanism sparked by krill oil displays its benefits by giving relief to the physical and emotional symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome: a clinical study has demonstrated a significant reduction of depression, overwhelmeness, irritability, stress, abdominal pain and weight gain.
Primrose Oil Oil obtained from Primrose (Oenothera biennis L.) is a natural source of Omega-6 fatty acids with a high concentration of Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA). These essential fatty acids are important precursors of prostaglandins that maintain and regulate vital body functions (i.e. joint and skin health). Evening Primrose Oil is also used to enhance women’s well-being by contrasting premenstrual symptoms.
Red Clover For women, Red Clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is quite special, since it contains plant isoflavones which stimulates estrogenic ctivity, thus increasing fertility, and reducing “hot flashes” and other symptoms experienced by women during menopause.
Soy Isoflavones Soy contains large amounts of substances known as isoflavones, also called phytoestrogens, including genistein, daidzein, and glycitein. These substances act in a similar way as estrogens in the body and may also be antioxidant. In younger women, the effects of soy are weak because estrogens are abundant. At menopause, it is believed that this effect increases due to the physiological decrease in bodily estrogens: soy isoflavones are thus useful to reduce typical symptoms of menopause (hot flushes, troubles sleeping, mood changes). Studies in animals suggest that estrogen-like activity of genistein and daidzein can also prevent or reduce bone loss by reducing loss of calcium.
Ursolia Ursolia ® is a special dry extract of the aerial part of Salvia officinalis L. with a standardized content of ursolic acid (≥ 15%). Ursolic acid is responsible for the anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties of sage and it also exerts a potent antioxidant and radical scavenger in vitro activity which surpasses the one of pine bark and grape seeds extracts. Ursolic acid exhibits a reduction of inflammatory TNF and prostaglandin E2 in LPS-stimulated macrophages, and also showed a topical anti-inflammatory effect double than the one of indomethacin. According to these anti-inflammatory properties, a possible and very effective application in women’s health for Ursolia (100 mg/day) is proposed for a combination with cranberries’s PACs in the mitigation of inflammations caused by urinary tracts infections and in their recurrence.
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Sweeteners Sodium saccharin, acid saccharin, acesulfame potassium,aspartame, sodium cyclamate, sucralose.